
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bread was Ready

Still Preparing

Hotel Restaurant Situation

Breakfast at Toraja Misiliana Hotel in North Toraja

Misiliana Patisserie at Toraja Misiliana Hotel

Situation Around Warung Puncak

Warung Puncak on the Way to Toraja from Palopo

Coto Makassar Sign in Front

Also Warung for Coto Makassar

They were Still Closed in the Morning

Coffee Shop Near Masamba Airport

Kapurung that is Made from Sagoo

This is Parede

Fried Kerapu Fish

Restaurant Guests were Enjoying Their Lunch

Parede is One of Traditional Menu

Sea Fish Head Restaurant in Masamba, North Luwu, South Sulawesi.

Also with Noodle

It is Yellow Rice and Egg as well as Other

Breakfast at Remaja Indah Hotel in Masamba